
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Best WordPress Plugins For Small Business Websites

Best WordPress Plugins For Small Business Websites

WordPress (Photo credit: Huasonic)
One of the many reasons we believe WordPress is the best CMS for small business website owners and online marketers alike is the platform’s nearly limitless library of available plugins.  These days, if you can think of a need or functionality you’d like to incorporate into your site, chances are someone’s made a plugin for it (and if not, call me and let’s create one together!).  The following is our (not-so) short list of

A Simple 6-Step Small Business SEO Checklist

Penguin-fighter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Without question, 2012 will be chronicaled  as one of the most significant years in SEO history.  Google’s Panda and Penguin updates, targeting low quality content and web spam (low quality back links) have left many business owners in a state of uncertainty. Adding insult to injury, many sites have yet to recover from diminished search results as well.
For those business owners who have chosen to use the “set it and forget it” approach  to online marketing, outsourcing all SEO, content and social campaigns to a third parties, these penalties may have been unexpected. Yet another reason why you must keep your finger on the pulse of your marketing. Now more than ever, entrepreneurs must take active roles in measuring their marketing programs, strategies and metrics.
The good news is, the best small business SEO strategy is the same “Google-proof” one that hasn’t changed since before Panda, Penguin and even Google itself: produce and market valuable, educational content that addresses the questions and desires of your

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

버핏, 대규모 M&A 추진 "주택경기 美경제회복 이끌것"

지속적으로 개선되고 있는 미국 주택경기가 미국 경제 회복을 이끌 것이라는 기대감이 갈수록 커지고 있다. 워런 버핏 버크셔해서웨이 회장(사진)은 24일 CNBC 방송에 출연해 성장이 둔화되고 있는 전 세계 다른 나라들과는 달리 주택경기 개선을 토대로 미국 경제가 지속적으로 회복될 것이라는 낙관론을 펼쳤다. 

버핏 회장은 "미국 경제가 강하게 성장하고 있지는 않지만 탄탄한 성장세를 보이고 있다"며 "상승세에 접어든 주택 부문이 미국 경제에 상당히 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것"이라고 강조했다. 이 같은 미국 경제에 대한 낙관론을 배경으로 버핏 회장은